Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Letter to Life

Dear Life,

if i stay tonight,
what will you give me?

what will happen,
that will make this worthwhile?

because right now,
i'm just about done with your shit.

i am broken,
but that does not mean

that i cannot feel

i am close,
but not that close.

so i guess
what i ask of you,

is that you stop being

such an asshole to me.
i want you

to give me some control,

because this is not
what i want.

i dont like this.

i might not know
what i want just yet

but bear with me,
tone down the pain,

the fear,
the anger,

and give me
a second

to breathe.
that's all i ask.

so maybe,
if you can do that for me,

i can figure out
what's so great about you.

what everyone
seems to be

bragging about.
because right now

you look to me
like a tornado

tearing up
everything that once had

and scattering the

pieces of my
mind, of my thoughts

all over
this field of

piercing daggers
that tear apart every chance

that i have
at hope.

but maybe
theres a slim chance

that you can change.
i've come to like

these daggers
these knives

in my mind,
as they have created

a cushion
that i always fall on

but if you give me reason to

maybe i can
leave them behind.

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