Monday, May 4, 2015


promise me you will never
give up on singing in the car.
promise me you will never
lose that beat that shakes your bones
to the point where you break out
in dance in the middle of english.
promise me that you will never
lose that flicker in your heart
that hope that punches all your shame
right in the gut
so that it cant breathe for a week.
never tell me
that id be better off without you
because you know what?
that is a lie,
and i will hug you so fucking tight
that your bones get scared
and forget what they were thinking.
never ever believe that you are not good enough
that you cant hold up
all that weight that society packs onto us
forcing 16 year olds
to carry mountains
that dont add up
to any of their lies
because as difficult as it is
you are still breathing
and you will continue to breathe





never be afraid to keep me awake.
i was up anyway,
and im sure as hell never going to leave you alone.
i will always be there for you
and i never break a pinky promise.
pinky promise me 
that you wont break a pinky promise either.

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